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Planning Board Agenda 07/02/2015
Notice of Public Meeting
Thursday, July 2, 2015 6:30 PM
Chichester Town Hall


1.      Call to Order

2.      Business Meeting
        a.      Review/Approve the Minutes of June 4, 2015

3.      Waivers of Innovative Land Use Provisions:

        Map 4 Lot 167B; 9 Horse Corner Road – Jon Kalinoski – J & T Wood Grinding Equipment, LLC.  
        a.      To seek relief from Article II Section 2.04(F); Commercial Village District; Subsection (VI), Paragraph 12: to permit the construction of a building with               a footprint of 7,500 sq/ft where a limit of 5,000 sq/ft is allowed.
        b.      To seek relief from Article II Section 2.04(F); Commercial Village District; Subsection (VIII), to permit the development of a heavy machinery sales            and service establishment where such is not explicitly permitted.

4.      Site Review: Chris & Tina Drew, Golden Paw Grooming, Map 4 Lot 31, 154 Dover Road

5.      Home Occupation Renewal: Thomas Houle; Grateful Sleds, 202 Canterbury Road

6.      Conceptual Review:  Subdivision, Stephen MacCleery

7.      Other Business
        a.      August 6, 2015
        b.      Planning Office Items
                i.   2016 Zoning Amendments
        c.      Board Member Items
        d.      Audience Items